Course Title(Required) Select CE Course Title A Day in the Life of an Alzheimer's Patient: Enhancing Care Through Activity Modification Advance Care Planning and Ethical End-of-Life Issues Aging in Place: There's No Place Like Home Alzheimer's Disease: The Latest Research on Prevention, Detection and Treatment Behind the Wheel with the Elderly: To Drive or Not to Drive? Caregiver Guilt: Resisting this Destructive Emotion Caregiver Personality Types: Strategies to Enhance Patient Care Caregiver Stress on Hospital Readmissions: An Essential Factor for Positive Outcomes Caregiving for Seniors During the Holidays: From Stress to Success Caring for the Elderly: Ethical Considerations During a Pandemic and Beyond Catch the Wave: Delivering Exceptional Customer Service to Improve Patient Care Chronic Disease Management: The Case Manager's Role in Preventing Rehospitalizations Conflict Management in Healthcare: Finding Common Ground Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect: The Ethical Aspects of Caring Ethics in Caring for the Elderly: Do You Know Their Love Language? Everything I Wish I'd Known: Caring for a Loved One with Dementia From Hospital to Home: Effective Strategies for a Successful Transition Generational Difference in Healthcare: Bridging the Gap Good Grief: Helping Families Cope After the Loss of an Elderly Loved One Health Literacy: Do Your Patients REALLY Understand Their Medical Treatment Plan? Holiday Time Management: Strategies to Improve Productivity and Patient Care Human Trafficking: The Healthcare Professional's Role in Identification and Response Hydration and the Elderly: Let's Drink to That Improving Emotional Intelligence (Part 1): Self-Awareness & Self-Management Influential Leadership: Making a Difference in the Lives of Those You Serve Long-Term Care Insurance: To Have or Have Not Mental Health and the Elderly: An Ethical Team Approach (1.5 hrs) Mindfulness in Medicine: How Intentional Awareness Helps Your Patients Music, Memory and Dementia: The Beat Goes On No News Isn't Always Good News: The Ethics of Communicating Bad News Palliative and Hospice Care: Helping Patients Navigate End-of-Life Decisions Promoting Senior Independence: Let Freedom Ring! Positivity in Healthcare: Improving Quality of Care Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work (Part 2): Social Awareness & Relationship Management Reminiscence Therapy and Life Review: Empowering Older Adults Senior Falls: More Than a Rising Financial Cost Shams, Scams and Seniors: The Vulnerable Elder Sleeping Well as We Age: Putting to Bed the Myth of Insomnia Spousal Caregiving: Does Love Outweigh the Risks? Staying on Track: Protecting Elderly Patient Rights from an Ethical Perspective Substance Abuse in the Elderly: An Ethical Approach Take One Bite at a Time: A Multifaceted Approach to Enhance Dining with Dementia Taking Care of the Elderly: The Benefits of Pet Therapy Across All Settings The Art of Active Listening: Are You Listening to Your Patients, and Are They Listening to You? Theories on Aging: How Do We Measure Success? Transitions of Care for the Elderly: Providing Quality Services in the Appropriate Setting Updated HIPAA Regulations: Protecting the Privacy and Security Rights of Seniors Webinar – Ethical Issues with Alzheimer's Disease: Exploring End of Life Considerations for Patients and Families Webinar – Ethical Leadership: The Healthcare Professional's Duty in an Ever-Changing World Webinar – How Patients Define Quality of Life: Little Things Make a Difference Webinar – Identity Crisis: An Ethical Journey Through the Eyes of a Family Caregiver Webinar – Patient-Centered Care: Ethical Implications for the Elderly Population Webinar – Recognizing Cultural Diversity: Ethical Issues in Caring for the Elderly Webinar – Spirituality in Healthcare: An Ethical Approach to Caring for Patients Webinar – The Benefits of Humor in Healthcare: Laughter is Good for the Heart Webinar – Treating Patient Emotions: What is the Healthcare Professional's Ethical Responsibility?